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Have you ever heard of the Crypt of Civilization? Neither had I until just recently. But if you’re a history AND beer buff, it has a great story.

The Crypt—essentially a large time capsule filled with a “record of civilization” was built at Oglethorp University in Atlanta Georgia and sealed in 1940.

The contents are varied, and include microfiilm and microfilm readers, voice recordings, evidence of technology of that period from companies like Eastman Kodak, and examples of our culture.


The room contained everything that people 6,000 years from now (the online casino planned opening) would need to understand our lives.

There is even a can of beer. And that’s why this article is here.

Crypt of civilizationThe man responsible for the crypt, Dr. Thornwell Jacobs, president of Oglethorp University, was an astute historian and remembered that the Egyptians always included beer in their burial chambers.

And so, doing likewise, he got Anheuser-Busch to make him a specially sealed bottle of Busweiser, so that those in the future would better understand us.

Great story. Except he included a bottle of Budweiser. Now those in the future will think we liked to drink fizzy yellow water. What a shame.

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