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The history of the Bloody Mary is a bit fuzzy (a lot like our memories when we shuffle to the bar and order a couple). One story recounts that Fernand Petiot of Harry's New York Bar in Paris, France came up with the drink in 1921.

Another story says that it was invented by actor George Jessell in 1939--and in fact there is an article in a New York gossip mag that tells of his latest concoction: half vodka and half tomato juice.

What's interesting is that Fernand Petiot all but admitted that Jessell came up with the base, but that Petiot then added salt, pepper, Worcestershire sauce and cayenne pepper. This is probably what happened, because Petiot moved back to New York to bartend in 1925, and would have been working at the St. Regis Hotel at that time (which would have been frequented by celebrities).


And in fact, most tour books list the St. Regis as the birthplace of the drink. Good luck actually drinking one there, though, they wouldn't let us in (something about t-shirts and flip-flops...?).

Anyway, Derek is a Bloody Mary connoisseur, and he says that hands down, the Double Eagle de Mesilla in southern New Mexico is the BEST Bloody he's ever had. The secret, as you'll see, is the vodka they use. They infuse their vodka with green chile, so it gives it both the heat AND the flavor. We've included both the video demonstrating their Bloody Mary recipe, and the infused vodka prep. Enjoy!

Double Eagle de Mesilla Bloody Mary Recipe

In tall glass with ice:

1 1/2 oz Green-Chile infused vodka (video of prep follows)

Dash of Worcestershire sauce

Sprinkle of celery salt and pepper

1/4 oz lime juice

1/4 oz olive juice

2 oz Clamato

Shake once, garnish with lime and olives. Enjoy!

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