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award_winning_margarita6There's opulence, and there's opulence. Then there's the Double Eagle de Mesilla located in (surprise, surprise) Mesilla, NM.

This place began as a villa for a very wealthy family of Mexican aristocrats in the mid-1800's. After a little accident involving a pair of fabric shears, a mom, a dead maid's daughter and the family's eldest son, the family left in a suspiciously hurried fashion. The house bounced around from family to family before finally being purchased by the oil mogul, Robert O. Anderson in 1970.

The place was restored with no expense spared, and so the bar--the place we focus on here--features custom-made baccarat crystal chandeliers, one-of-a-kind mid-19th century oil painting from Europe (of nekked women!), and a beautiful early 20th century Brunswick bar from none other than the Drake Hotel in Chicago.

Try the green chile infused vodka, zowie!

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